Orders are generally packed within 1-2 days of being received but can sometimes take 3-4 days depending on the time of year. You will receive an email when your order has been packed and posted. From this email, your delivery time will then depend on your choice of postage method and Australia Post’s delivery time. All timelines are offered as a guide and can vary.
International customers may be charged VAT, Tariff, Duty, Taxes, Customs Fees etc that are set out by your country for importing goods.
We are unable to estimate costs on your behalf as each country and state has their own pricing related to this.
If you have any questions in regards to shipping, postage or international charges please email your enquiry to info@safelace.com.au
As we are all aware, delays from Australia Post are at an all time high at the moment and while we are all working to try and minimise the effect of COVID, we are all feeling it. We ask for your patience at this time as delivery times are delayed and thank you for your understanding.
This site contains material and content which is owned, trademarked and covered by copyright for Safe Lace Pty Ltd.
Logos, images and content can only be downloaded with permission and may not be used under any circumstances without prior permission. Any attempt to do so will result in legal proceedings. If you have not already been granted permission via email to use Safe Lace IP and would like permission, simply request access and permission by emailing info@safelace.com.au and if approved, confirmation to use the requested IP will be emailed to you.
Safe Lace Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for any files, faults or defects incorporating viruses.
While we do our absolute best to keep all aspects of our website up to date and virus free, it is your responsibility to scan for viruses on your own device and by using our website, you agree that Safe Lace Pty Ltd holds no responsibility or liability for any loss or damages whether direct or indirect regardless of whether it is or isn’t as a result of the Safe Lace website, brand or product.
This website is owned by Safe Lace Pty Ltd trading as Safe Lace.
By entering into a purchase with Safe Lace through our website, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.
We reserve the right to adjust, update or replace any part of these term and conditions.
You are able to check this page for periodical changes and can request that a copy be emailed to you at any time.
By visiting, signing up or purchasing from our website www.safelace.com.au you are confirming that you are 18 years of age or more or have a parent/guardian consent to view or purchase from our site.